"I found a lost camera in a NYC taxi on Jan. 10, 2009. I have included some of the pictures below. I lost my camera with awesome pictures from the Amazon this year and I never got them back. I want to get this camera to its home so they don't feel like I did."


Anonymous said...

The guy looks a lot like my big brother.He does a lot of traveling, but with the huge glasses, I don't really know if it's him. I'm tempted to E-mail him and ask, but he doesn't have dimples that I remember. It's actually been years since I've seen him in person so I can't be sure. If I could see his eye color I'd know because they look brown behind the glasses, and his are blue.

Kristin said...

Oh my gosh!!! This is totally my camera!!! I am happy to describe the photos on the camera and send you more photos of me to prove it! Please email me -- ksladen@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Woot even another found camera!!

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