"I found a pink Fujifilm Fine Pix camera on the east side of Milwaukee, WI., near UW-Milwaukee campus the morning of January 4th. The camera was found demolished and damaged beyond repair, but I salvaged the 4 GB memory card. I am more than happy to return the card to the owner, but I have tossed the camera as it was so badly destroyed."


Anonymous said...

you are doing a good job for having a great cause, finding the owners of lost cameras and vise versa.

Good job! Meanwhile, I am checking out different photography schools that I have been meaning to enroll in.. and lo and behold I landed on your site. I will surely check back once in a while to see how you and your cause is doing.

Anonymous said...

Yay! new pictures!

Pam said...

Are they twins?

initiative_x said...

i think i know the girl on the left in the top picture. she looks a lot like my cousin's fiance, and they're from milwaukee.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I used to go to school with those girls in grade school im not sure about the one on the right but the one on the lefts name is Jessica Jamar

Anonymous said...

hiiii, this is me!!! How can I get my memory card back?

Anonymous said...

Owner found!

Blake said...

Great readinng this

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